Want To Save Money The Smart Way? Try Extreme Couponing

If you are serious about saving money each month but have no way of increasing your income, extreme couponing could be just what you are after. This novel way of saving will allow you to cut back on what you spend on food, toiletries, and other household items.

If you are new to extreme couponing, or if this is the first time you have come across the term, we hope this guide will give you an insight on how to get started with extreme couponing.

Extreme Couponing – What Is It?

Extreme couponing is where you collect hundreds of coupons and have a strategy for using them to save money. If extreme couponing is done correctly, it can help slash your spending on food, toiletries, and household items.

Sourcing Coupons

You can get hold of coupons all over the place. Here are just a few sources for you to consider amassing them and get started with your extreme couponing.

1. Printable Coupons

Printable coupons are available all over the internet, and a quick search will return you with thousands of results. Of course, many of these returned locations will require you to enter personal information or get involved with a survey. 

If surveys or handing over personal details aren’t to your liking, you could try using MoneySavingExpert. This website has its own section offering printable coupons for a range of food, toiletries, and household items.

Another good online source for coupons is Supersavvyme. This site belongs to Procter and Gamble, and they offer coupons to buy their products. 

For many of these printable coupons, you may be required to download coupon-printing software. Otherwise, when you take it to the store, they may not be able to read the barcode.

2. Newspaper and Magazine Coupons

Supermarket and store magazines are an excellent source of coupons. You can pick these up at the cashier till, and they are usually free. Some newspapers also often include coupons, but these are becoming less common. One newspaper that regularly includes coupons is the Metro.

3. Coupons Through Apps

The proliferation of smartphones has made extreme couponing easier than it’s ever been. There are apps dedicated to coupons, including:

  • CheckoutSmart
  • ClickSnap
  • Shopmium

Using these apps involves making an in-store product purchase, photographing the receipt to show proof of purchase, and then submitting the photo to receive cashback. The cashback amount often covers the entire product purchase cost, so you get the item for free.

4. Loyalty Cards

Signing up for a loyalty card is an excellent way to save money on food and toiletries bills. Many of these card providers will regularly send you coupons to make even more savings. 

For instance, with their quarter Clubcard statement, Tesco customers receive coupons to spend on their next shop. Similarly, Boots posts coupons routinely to its Advantage cardholders and includes them in the monthly magazine.

5. Packaging coupons

You can often find coupons on product packaging, giving you a discount off your next purchase of that product. These coupons can be in the form of tags, stickers, or codes placed inside the box or packet. Be sure to check inside your empty packaging to make sure you’re not throwing away any discounts.

6. Receipt Coupons

People are often too quick to throw away receipts because they can be an excellent source of coupons and discounts. Supermarkets often include a discount voucher on your receipt if you spend over a certain amount. This discount can be redeemed off your next shop or fuel if the supermarket has a petrol station.

7. Coupons From The Manufacturer

Contacting a product manufacturer directly can often result in you receiving discount coupons. You might want to send them a letter praising their products or recommending an improvement. Even a genuine complaint can end up with you receiving coupons, but please don’t do this unless it’s warranted.

Top Tips For Extreme Couponing

You might think that the effort required for extreme couponing is too much, so you might not even start. So, here are some top tips to get you going with extreme couponing.

  • Check the Terms and Conditions. Make sure that you carefully read the coupon’s T&C. Doing this will inform you of the exact product and size the coupon can be redeemed against. It will also provide you with details of where the coupon can be used and when it expires.
  • Organise Your Coupons. Have your coupons organised so that you will have a better opportunity of using them. Organise them by category, expiry date, and the stores in which they can be used. This way, you can maximise your extreme couponing and save the most money.
  • Coupon Stacking. Some vendors allow you to redeem several coupons at once. This routine is called coupon stacking, and it is best used during sales or promotions to maximise the savings you can make.
  • Limit Your Spending. Using your coupons on buying luxuries or things you don’t need defeats the object of extreme couponing. Use them to make savings on your everyday shopping.
  • Link Up With Other Extreme Couponers. Finding other people doing extreme couponing will help you get more coupons and spur you on.


Extreme couponing is an excellent way to save money on food, toiletries, and household items. Hopefully, this article will inspire you to get into this money-saving habit.

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