Want To Stop Leaking Cash Through High Water Bills? Here Are Some Water Bill Reduction Tips

A UK household will pay, on average, around £385 each year on their water bills. So, is it any wonder that people are continuously looking for new ways to reduce this cost? 

This brief guide aims to inform you about a few of the best tricks and tips that you can implement to bring down your water consumption and reduce your bill.

Ways To Reduce Your Water Bill

Here are some of the main ways that you can reduce your water bill:

  • Change The Way You Are Billed. Some households pay a fixed charge for their water consumption, while others have their bills calculated using a water meter. Depending on your circumstances, one of these methods might be more cost-effective than the other.
  • Try Some Water-Saving Tools. There are plenty of free water-saving tools and gadgets available. Some you may have to pay for, so you should do some research before purchasing. Check out SaveWaterSaveMoney for free water-saving tools and devices in your area.
  • Conserve Your Water. Reducing your water consumption will ultimately reduce your water bill. Try taking a quick shower, rather than a full bath. For other water-conserving ideas, visit the Energy Saving Trust website.

Is It Worthwhile Switching To A Water Meter?

As we mentioned above, there are two methods available for getting billed on your water consumption. The first is a fixed price known as rateable billing, and the amount you pay depends on your home. You can learn more about rateable billing on the United Utilities website.

The other method of billing is through a water meter. With this method, you pay depending on the water you use. Check your water bill to see how you are billed and what you are paying annually for your water. Once you know the billing method and whatever the amount, you can decide if it is worthwhile switching. If you are on rateable billing, you can opt to get a water meter fitted, if you think this would be beneficial. This switch often works out cheaper, but not in every situation. 

To help you decide, use the Consumer Council for Water’s online calculator. All you need to do is provide an estimation of your water use, such as the number of showers and toilet flushes per day. The calculator will display the amount you could save with a water meter compared to rateable billing. Make sure you include everyone in the household; kids as well as adults.

If A Metered Water Supply Is Not Available

If you can’t get access to a water meter, then your water supplier is obligated to offer you an alternative method of billing, to compensate you for lost savings on your bill. This method of billing is known as an Assessed Charge.

As a rule of thumb, the larger your home, and the fewer people that live there, the more potential you have to make savings with a water meter. Even so, make sure that you consult the Consumer Council for Water’s calculator before switching.

Save By Reducing Water Consumption

When you get a water meter installed, it might not be easy to switch back to rateable billing. You will have to enquire with your water supplier whether you can do this. 

If you are on a water meter, there are certain things you can do to help reduce the amount of water you are using. Being on a water meter provides a strong incentive for reducing your water consumption. Using less water will also have knock-on benefits of using less electricity to heat showers and boil kettle water, for instance.

Problems Paying Your Water Bill?

If you are struggling to pay your water bill, despite taking measures to reduce your consumption, your first action should be to inform your water supplier. They may be able to set up billing arrangements to help you with this.


Hopefully, you can reduce the amount of money leaking out of your bank account by considering installing a water meter and plugging the gaps in your water consumption.

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